Military Slang That Works at Home

1. This is a living breathing document

2. Comparing apples to apples

3. Comparing apples to oranges

4. Onesies and twosies

5. Low hanging fruit

6. Are you my belly button?

7. Tag up

8. Toe in the water

9. Main enchilada

10. Tomfoolery

11. Soup to nuts

12. There’s gonna be some of this and there’s gonna be some of that

13. I’ll run it down for you

14. He threw the oil slick

15. It’s the long pole in the tent

16. This is a big elephant…we have to eat it one piece at a time

17. Totally and completely FUBAR

18. The schedule is strictly notional

19. A way forward is being formulated

20. I’ll take that as a deliverable

21. Notable lack of support

22. Generated a high-level of interest

23. Run it up the flagpole

24. I’m flying the flag but nobody is saluting

25. Sounds like a training issue

26. It appears to be a management issue

27. The team will be populated on a voluntold basis

28. Compliance with the directive isn’t optional

29. Smokin hole

30. Blood, breathe and urine

31. Jump through red tape hoops

32. All thrust no vector

33. Stove to pipes

34. Heading down the road of damage

35. Don’t know if you’re gonna get a shit sandwich with mayo or a mayo sandwich with shit

36. I only check my email in bursts

37. We’re trying to fix the car while we’re driving it

38. That’s some Dr. Seuss shit

39. Teflon don

40. Where the rubber meets the road

41. It’s gonna be a massive meatball challenge

42. It’s like trying to nail jello to the wall

43. It’s gonna be meatball Monday!

44. We’re not going to shoot the same horse here

45. It’s an open kimono folks

46. What’s the AF mission cadet “Fly, Fight, Win, have a great day”

47. 2 steps forward 10 steps back

48. I’m just putting it out there for public consumption

49. Dual hatted

50. Cork in the dam

51. Tracking

52. All are cleared hot to press

53. I didn’t want to give him the Heisman

54. You put the kibosh on it

55. Throwing hand grenades first thing in the morning

56. Administration through intimidation

57. Run it through the wickets

58. Litany of things

59. Go pound sand

60. Fixing the plane while flying it

61. Find the magical unicorn

62. Special care and feeding

63. Clear as mud

64. King shit on turd island

65. Solid as jello

66. Measure twice cut once

67. Deuces cabooses

68. Unclass speakerphones are like hen’s teeth

69. Lock stock and barrel

70. You have to know what side of the bread has the butter

71. Give me my marching orders

72. You gotta widen the aperture

73. If you know dinner is at 8 don’t come whining at 9 when there’s no food

74. He’s the kind of guy that carries a spare tire for the tow truck

75. Please bird dog that for me

76. Those who throw shit have dirty hands

77. If you can’t blind them with science baffle them with bullshit

78. Sierra Hotel – Shit Hot

79. I’m just a mouth

80. Peanut butter spreading an excuse

81. Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want

82. You’re like a broken pencil, you’re missing the point

83. I bought you a hooker now put out

84. The fires are lit and the brows are furrowed

85. Climb the poll as high as you can and then let me climb it

86. This is just a feeler meeting

87. You’re either zero or the hero

88. Is it a smoking hole or smoking pole?

89. We’re not gonna hit and run here

90. Cause you knows I gots lots of woods

91. The iPhone is a gateway drug

92. We’re over-licensed and under-hardwared

93. Do we dogfood our own SDCs?

94. Eat our own dogfood

95. Analysis through paralysis

96. Going from a very small playground to a very large sandbox

97. The beatings will continue until morale improves

98. Break out the beach shorts

99. He could have 8 watches on and still not know what time it is

100. Put this meat suit on and go in to the lion’s den

101. I’m gonna run that in to the ground today

102. There comes a time where you gotta cut bait and fish

103. Vicey versey

104. I wouldn’t do it even if it meant a “me love you long time once a month.”

105. Absolutely. Concur. Press.

106. The sync is the key to success

107. I’m coming in off the top rope to support that effort

108. You’re sitting there with your finger on the pulse

109. We can give you guys a bread crumb trail to follow

110. You gotta train before you can win the gold medal

111. Even if got you a gift certificate to the clue store you still wouldn’t have one

112. Persnickety

113. RMO Round Metal Object (coin)

114. Re-jiggered

115. Her mood swings like a pendulum

116. What am I a dog? You get the can opener and I come running

117. It’s a booger, I’m flicking it over to you

118. BLUF: Bottom Line Up Front

119. Drinking from the fire hose

120. This is a finely crafted piece of political bullshit, it’s apathetic yet professional

121. Yours is not to question why, yours is to do or die

122. Rules are only rules if they apply to everyone around the world

123. You could tie a bag of cement to that hint and they still wouldn’t hear when you drop it

124. We could put the email in cryostasis

125. I love that angle you took

126. I’m gonna run your tool

127. You don’t have anything that is astronomically huge

128. Slidesmanship

129. Troglodyte

130. Down the shoot out the flute

131. There was a collective murmur from the audience

132. Kroners for boners

133. Test on a peanut butter spread

134. I just wanna put the bug in your ear

135. We don’t do anything in a vacuum

136. If he tells you to try everything, eventually 1 will work, which means he was right

137. Shot out of the ass of society

138. Massive fuck up

139. Is he shit hot? No, he’s just shit

140. If use of force does not work apply more force

141. I got a pair but they ain’t that big

142. Its got a nice clean hit to it

143. I cannot comment on his information dissemination techniques

144. Chuck you Farley

145. Ready. Fire. Aim

146. I jest, I jest

147. My morale just got 1/16th of an inch off the floor

148. Tier 1 triage is not an answer

149. Chef, cook and bottle washer

150. We’re the thinkers they’re the dreamers

151. ASS CANNON! (singing voice)

152. She’s got 10lbs of rice in a 5lb bag

153. No plan survives first contact with the enemy

154. Your glass is half full and its leaking

155. You can cover those hints in Velcro and they still won’t stick

156. It’s like teaching a tree to walk

157. Randy’s Keurig cup target

158. Let them talk turkey

159. You can only poke the good luck fairy so many times

160. We need to be clean and serviceable for tomorrow

161. It’s a self-licking ice cream cone

162. There’s a fly in the ointment

163. FUD – Fear uncertainty doubt. He’s a fudder, he instills FUD

164. Lather rinse repeat

165. If this thing had an ass I’d put my foot up it (printer)

166. I find your ideas compelling and would like to subscribe to your newsletter

167. He’s lacking tact and delivery

168. You just gave me a healthy dose of depression. Can I get a side of suicide with that?

169. I wouldn’t shit you you’re my favorite turd

170. Caning the mule

171. BBP – bullet background paper

172. I could put handles on that hint and you couldn’t hold onto it

173. You guys could piss of Jesus

174. Two underage people enjoying nature’s bounty

175. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t drown it

176. He’s the kind of guy that will snatch a pair of panties off a clothes line